Four years later she was divorced with a little girl to look after and the shreds of a career that had once made her the nations top star. She had been an Oscar winner at six. By the age of 10 little Shirley was making $307,014 a year-more than the president of General Motors-and meeting heads of state, cabinet ministers and kings. By the mid-1940's, Miss Dimples was a teenage has-been. And the kiss of death for her career was the movie That Hagen Girl which she made with Ronald Reagan.

It was late one night, deep into the shoot of that ill fated film that Shirley stumbled upon an unholy and unwholesome, dark and dingy conspiracy that put the people of this pitiful planet at a risk unlike any other ever beheld before.

Shirley had fallen into a fitful and restless sleep. She dreamed that the great wheel of life was a monstrous mill stone, crushing and grinding the poor and oppressed into the unforgiving soil. She awoke in her too shabby dressing room. A low guttural chant invaded her sanctuary through a heating vent. Her young curiosity was peaked, and she made her way across the darkened sound stages. A dim sickly yellow light flickered out from behind the uncle Tom's Cabin set. A handy crow bar made her entry possible into a hidden grotto.
From Innocent to oppressor
Don't Let this Happen to You
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