Or does the Master, in unspeakable revery, seek to instruct us subliminally? If so, then this examination of HIS motives and means is surely blasphemous and intrusive. Have we, then, in our regarding this subject, doomed in our own souls, relinquishing any hope we may have had of attaining the enlightened self-interest? The question become sone with the answer ... another cycle to be observed, commented upon and discarded and then brought up once more.
We end where we should have started; the beginning of life betokens the end of existence. Is this the message? Or is it merely an interesting and entertaining interlude while dark and unwieldy forces ready the next phase of the new order while we lay palpitating, intrigued and sated? The Brady Bunch, that dark examination of the ego and the angst of mortality, stiffly beckons us onward, stumbling up, ever toward the dim light at the end of the dank and inconvenient interval of existence that we, in our ignorant resplendency, call life.